Tractus BreastMapper®
Documents the entire breast, including the axilla and inframammary fold.
Easily integrates as an accessory for most common ultrasound systems.
Examination and review times similar to common mammography processes.
Whole Breast Ultrasound has Many Benefits for Women with Dense Breasts
- shown to discover up to 100% more invasive cancers than mammography alone
- together with mammography produces a more complete clinical screening program
- reimbursed by Medicare and most private insurers
Clinical Literature Shows Increased Detection with Ultrasound
BreastMapper® allows whole breast ultrasound with your existing equipment
As a result of a study involving Automated Breast Ultrasound as an adjunct procedure, Dr. Georgia Giakoumis-Spear at the North Shore University System reported:
“These results were astonishing to us”
Automated Breast Ultrasound outperforms DBT [Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (3D Mammography)] in Cancer Detection Rate: (12 per 1,000 screens vs 3.6 per thousand screens): in Positive Predictive Value (17% vs 3.6%); and in lower Call Back Rate (7% vs. 10.7%) when evaluating women with dense breast tissue.
—Giakoumis-Spear et al (Poster October 2017 ARRS Annual Meeting)